It started with this man Harris and his "miniature electronic organs".
He commenced his evil plan one dark and lonely English evening when there was still bread and dripping for tea, Tommy Hanley's voice chuckled from that old valved radio in the corner and Auntie Macassar had called round for her usual helping of spotted dick.
Then before you know it ....what happened to the music?
It's now all electronic computerised noise.
What happened to those lovely Ladies Lesbian String Quartets that used to entertain us as they played together over our profiteroles with ersatz cream substitute in Ye Olde Englishe Tea Roomes?
Gone. Gone forever.
And now we have Mr Murdoch with his dizzy redhead sidekick. He starts small with shares in miniature electronic organs and editing the Wallamazoo Times, but before you know it he's here.
Getting his minions to eavesdrop on our mobile telephone calls like it was something out of 1984.
1984....I remember 1984....there were hot buttered postmen for tea and fruity scones delivered the telegram letting us know that young Freddy was safe and well and impersonating Adolf Hitler in Bolivia....anyway I digress....
Why is the world being taken over by Australians?
If you have been following this blog, you'll realise that our Brave New Get Back To Work Service is being run by some mad Sheila.
It all started with Rolf Harris, but pretty soon all our traditional British instruments will be replaced by miniature electronic organs and all official correspondence will commence not with "Dear Sir or Madam", but with
"G'day You Old Bugger".
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